Stray, with the body
June 7, 2023 7:30
Woodbine, Ridgewood, NY
Videos and films by Kayla Anderson, Paige Taul, Stephanie Barber, Lilli Carré, James N. Kienitz Wilkins, Peter Rose, Alee Peoples & Mike Stoltz, Sam Taffel, produced between 1983-2023. Organized by Jesse Malmed. Followed by a conversation with filmmakers, hosted by Nellie Kluz.
Walking a strayed line, perhaps the perimeter of the frame, the bounded bouncing. There’s grace in a phrase like “we zoom in”: it’s fun to do things together. We head to the droppe shoppe to pick up custom “Sturm& / Drang& / Song& / Dance.” shirts to commemorate our foray into Neue Work Times, whenever those might be.
Through widely-arranged works of body/politic, the figure, the character, the body, the being, the performer, the mirror’d, the persona, the morpho, the noun squinch, jest, monologue, flail, perch, swagger, project, stay, present, absent, language, verb. When they say “verb can be a noun / but noun can’t be a verb / then what is objectify? wrapped” we wonder, lost. There’s a kind of ‘motional intelligence that shifts around the screen, pondering but not ponderous, then out into the room. To entrance but to en-trace too and in the middle: an entr'acte* moment.
Lilli Carré - Stone Fruit (2022)
Mike Stoltz and Alee Peoples - Spotlight on a Brick Wall (2016)
Paige Taul - What's good bruce? (2018)
Kayla Anderson - Stay with the Body (2019)
Peter Rose - Pressures of the Text (1983)
James N Kienitz Wilkins - Special Features (2014)
Sam Taffel - Jews Harp or: Harpaud (2023)
Stephanie Barber - Oh My Homeland (2019)
All works screened on/as video.
Taken as a mass, a strange way to conceive of nine individuals, the artists have screened and exhibited their works at just about every imaginable and enviable space there is. They’ve performed as clowns, radio deejays, musicians, and produced photographs, sculptures, books, paintings, bumper stickers, drawings, records and prints in addition to their moving image practices. They were educated and many continue to educate alongside their vibrant practices, living and working in Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York and Milwaukee.